ayam goreng

banyak2 sayur..sayur apa yang proud and fabulous? taugay.. huhu

aku mcm impress jua mcm puzzled jua kan org mengudar just bean sprouts as a side dish. i dont know what to think of them to be honest.

on one hand aku mcm impress jua yg they can easily polish off a plate of brg yang nda berasa ani .. at the same time im like why? i can tolerate them but i wudnt necessarily order them on its own haha. it’s funny too, because i don’t see anyone eating them and saying “MMMM nyaman banar taugayy ani ehhhh”.drg pun mcm impartial jua, like they’ll comment on how good the chicken rice is but wud stay silent on the taugay. is it just mcm something on the side to help them aid their digestion kali hahhaha.. mcm ibarat apa ah.. mcm ibarat aku dalam bilikku main computer buka tv. it’s just there for noise.

tapi ada jua lagi sayur lain? mcm spinach kah sawi kah .. broccoli kah..something more wholesome.. ani dui malai yang sayur ibarat 5 oclock shadow ani pun yang kau kan order. harganya kurang labih jua eh mcm sayur biasa.

tp inda apa… haha nya org rambut sama hitam, hati lain lain.

shout out to jeff from the canteen earlier. i was so hungry and i decided to get a portion of the rbc fried chicken. jeff who was serving me asked if he’d like me to fry it again supaya bagi garing2. of course i said YES. kan. it’s good to be friends with semua org. hari hari dpt makan ayam goreng panas panas.

ok bye