
Watching nonsense on tv. Currently somewhere near Jakarta.Been here four days and i can’t wait to aBANDUNG ship. i miss home. i miss my cat. i miss my bed. i miss my blue bruneian sky , clean air and quiet roads.

things you take for granted.

anyway. back to what i’m watching.

ntah pokoknya (jangan pokok kelapa) ive been watching nonsense since waking up from my anti-histamine slumber. All the local channels are airing shows recorded in front of live audiences.. and all of them seem to bear the same nonsense concept;

1. live bands playing loud dangdut music
2. random stage acts.. and;
3. loud screeching laughter from at least ONE female presenter and ONE person from the audience.

and from channel to channel, i notice that all of the audiences seem to be having a good time. must be the dangdut. dangdut is truly the music of this country. and i love it. there’s just something about it that can make even the truest tired of them all move with the music.

haha. this is sometimes 10x better than watching the shit on bbc or cnn. sometimes ignorance is bliss. you just need to give your mind a break.

in any case.. lookie at what i found.

an inspiring story of a pengamen boy. yang dulunya ia di buang, sekarang ia di sayang.


kiss me.


My cat is fast asleep on the edge of the bed. He doesn’t usually sleep on my bed cause his thick fur makes him panas! so he usually ends up spending the night on the cool adjoining bathroom floor. I refuse to switch on the air-con just to please a cat (but i would do all sorts of other things).

So how did he ended up on the edge of my bed? must’ve caused by the suitcases that i pulled out from the corner of my room to prep for my flight out tmrw. This usually tells Pepinot that he won’t be seeing his Kaka Siti for a while. He probably have sensed it much much much earlier cause he has been following me around the house all week.

After years of begging and pleading my mom for ONE (my sis cried).. we finally scored ourselves CATS. hehe. As it turned out, Molly sealed a deal with one of her friends to adopt a kampung+persian hybrid named Bane. Whilst i got myself a maine coon+persian that i named Pepinot, after a male kiddy character from the french movie Les Choristes. Oui!

I’ve also labeled Pepinot as MY BEST BUY OF 2012.

kan mcm si pepi kan usulnya? kiuttttt.

We’re still trying to navigate our way through mother-cat-hood.

We changed the cats’ food the moment we found out that MEOW MIX is the same as KFC to humans. Bane is a cold-hearted kampong cat so he’s abit stronger than my Pepinot who has been been getting ‘the runs’ from the sudden diet change.

He’s been pooping so much that he’s earned the title “POOP-INOT BEST BUY OF 2012, BIGGEST SHIT STIRRER OF 2013”. dont get me wrong though, i still love him but it sucks having to clean after him ESPECIALLY when you’re already late for work. It’s not like “Kucing ku sakit parut” could be used as a credible excuse for tardiness kan?

Seems like Bane on the other hand, has a stronger immune system. but im not going to go there. Bane’s also a little shit in his own right. he refuses to be carried. he doesn’t like to be carried. he hates being carried. i mean, what sort of cat does that???????? he also doesn’t answer when he’s being called , has the tendency to “disappear” for a whole day..and will only send back the bottle cap when he’s bored to death.

If there’s anything that Bane loves, he loves playing with bottle caps. To the point that we’ve resorted to playing catch using them. The thing is, he only started sending the cap back to the thrower when Pepinot was admitted to the Vet. For a week, we threw bottle caps around the house to keep Bane entertained. each time we threw it at him, he’d come back with the bottle cap tightly secured in between his teeth. but it was GAME OVER the moment Pepinot came home, he stopped sending the bottle caps back and would only stare at it like it was some cheap caviar.


i didn’t know i could write a whole post on cats.

……i think i shud go to sleep now. cause i know the only one who would appreciate this story would be Lisa. kekekeke.

kiss me.


I thought i had a list of things to blog about, turns out it was mostly work related stuff that i have since churned out in to reports. hahahaha. How can?

This hotel i’m currently staying in serves up a good cup of latte. It is also in good timing that Ms Flow decided to come to town. By town, i mean Manila and by good timing, because it’s puasa .. which means i get to have guilt-free coffee for the whole duration of the meetings. i need my coffee and someone up there is at least being sympathetic about it 🙂

in any case. i have not been home since the start of puasa, and im terribly homesick. 3 more days. i cannot wait.

Selamat berpuasa guys dan Selamat bersungkai.

Wishlists for my birthday.

Blogging aint dead. Says Flipboard.

macam Pang (punk) not dead.

I’m in love with the Flipboard app on the iphone. but what makes it suck is the internet connection. But i’m not going to go there. Internet connection in Brunei sucks. but that’s old news. you can read all about it in my previous posts. i think ive bad-mouthed espeed enough in this life time that im certain that i will be turned in to a espeed router in the next life.

anyway, i’m in the midst of creating a wishlist on Amazon for my birthday. i’ll be sharing the link in a while and i encourage you to click on it if you’re feeling generous. It’s useful resource for those who are perhaps thinking of getting me something..but don’t know where to start..well. look no further.

all i want for my birthday are cake stands and cookbooks. although… if you’re feeling generous…and you’re thinking of getting me something……..

JET SETTER… MU. (kuwat perasan)

Currently on transit in Changi. En route to somewhere fabulous. riding in biz class.. ive made sure that my make up artist is part of my entourage this time. Just did a little bit of shopping. Oh and ive stocked up on my Lamer and my hermes scarves.

hahahahahahahahahahahhaa. i wish.

the joke’s on me.

let me start over.

Currently in Changi. waiting for the next flight out to country x to attend meeting x. riding the kambing. and this morning i packed my bags and made my way to the airport, half asleep. confirm tetinggal spendet/spendets (spendet ka spindit? ka spindar? ka spender?)

i wouldn’t call this JET SETTING. never. in my life. especially when you know you going to be spending the next week cooped up in a meeting room with bad lighting , sipping endlessly on cups of (bad) coffee cause you know..your life depends on it. Although i do have to admit this is probably a good way to see the world.. but those who have LIVED will agree that it’s not the IDEAL way.

it’s okay. my time will come. as they say. susah susah dulu senang senang kemudian..ataupun difficult difficult first, easy easy later. LOL. i just love translating malay peribahasa into english. what would the world do if I was the person behind GOOGLE TRANSLATE? hahahahahahahaahaha.

turtle turtle in the boat…………



I was going to blog. and then i was like, ok. after this episode of Hoarders.
I was going to blog. and then i was like, maybe ok. after this shower.
I was going to blog. and then i was like, uh-oh *clicks on pop up ad*
I was going to blog. and then i was like, lets check how much money i have in my account this month..
I was going to blog. and then i was like, after replying to these work emails lah..
I was going to blog. and then i was like, ZZZzzzzzz…

I was going to blog. I was already on my blog. I was ready to type ..when… I..


ok. and that’s why i havent blogged.

it is called growing up.

4 months since my last post. It’s November now, going on December. Where have i been all year? I feel like i spaced out for most part of the year. November. seriously? 🙁

It has been a trying weighing out my options. but maybe all i need is a break from it all.

is two weeks enough?


leaving for Hongkong in abit. at least i can blog about this self-funded trip.

uwaaa so out of my element. i don’t think ive ever been like this in my life.



i seek comfort in blogging. which is why i decided to blog this morning. the tragedy that swept the nation yesterday has left everyone in mourning. my condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to those who were directly effected by the incident. being only an outsider, i cannot begin to imagine what those who lost their loved ones are going through right now.

life’s unfair like that. But Allah knows best. He would only test the strongest minds to make them even stronger and to better prepare them for the future. whatever it may holds.

Although, this is always easier said than to actually believe, there’s always a silver lining to everything. That’s how you keep on going.

as i sit here, cross legged in my Korean apartment.. i can’t help but wonder what the future holds. It’s always the fear of not knowing that creeps up on you. especially in times of hardship.

A few weeks ago, i came across a stack of papers at work which i thought were documents. I looked at it closely and discovered that it was really a photocopied version of the book “The Alchemist” which belonged to one of the Pavilion staff. Curious, i sat down and read the first page and the next thing i knew, i took the ‘book’ home with me.

It was a beautiful piece of work.

I thought i’d share some of the excerpts in the book that really spoke to me:-

– “Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” ? Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

– “I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we’re living now.” ? Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Anyway, moving on to the topic of silver linings, I can say openly that i dont really favor this colleague of mine, it’s nothing personal though, but more work related. However, if i hadn’t met her and had she not been around to work with, I wouldn’t find this beautiful book.

and that’s a silver lining on its own.

anyway, it’s a brand new day, Alfatihah to those who lost their lives in the heli crash.

I will miss you very much my brother. In the short time i’ve known you you have been one of the kindest people i’ve ever met. semoga roh mu dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dengan orang-orang yang beriman. Amin.

Stay strong everybody. Take comfort in the fact that everything always happens for a reason and seek protection and strength in your prayers.

kiss me.


I’ve just had rice for brekkie. It’s that time of the month again, but this time im craving rice. lots of it.

I have 35 more days till i get out of this place. The weather is getting hotter with a humidity of Belalong. It’s crazy. With ramadhan around the corner, i pray to god again.. to make me strong enough to withstand not having a drink in the middle of the day during Ramadhan.

It’s easier to fast when you’re back home cause everyone is doing it. It’s a totally different ball game when you’re overseas. exsp when you’re not in muslim territory. The fact that i’ve been assigned to work in a ‘theme park style’ setting makes it even harder.

I could just feel the thirst creeping in during the 1st day of Ramadhan. The gates of the EXPO would be like walking through the gates of where all the different kinds of diets go to die..let alone fasting. But i’m focused on getting it right this time around. i must. im 26. 27 in less than a month. it’s time to grow up and take on more responsibility. and this includes fulfilling my religion ..oh and financial saving. inshallah, god will give me the strength to be the better muslim that i can be 🙂

my shift starts at 10. i better mandi.

kiss me.


If I’m still a blogger, then why am i never invited to blogger gatherings anymore? Now, wait a minute, I am not complaining nor am i lobbying to get myself invited to the local blogging events but i just want to say that I GET JEALOUS. ESPECIALLY and ONLY when it comes to food tasting events.

I mean who wouldn’t? all the free food and the fact that you get to try the food for free saves you $$$ loads from paying for shitty meals. especially when they say their food is of “fine dining” quality. give it 5 years and we still won’t get close to the true definition of fine dining in Brunei.

My story is, i get jealous BUT on the other hand, i probably wouldn’t like the idea of having to blog nice things about shitty things. I’d probably do it for hard cold cash..but i’d definitely won’t do it for a free meal.

I’ve been here a month. 2 more months to go. So far there’s nothing to complain about except the fact that i haven’t ran in almost a month and i’m gaining weight fast from sampling all the food items offered at the international pavilions.

TWO weeks ago we were trying not to muntah from consuming the Prawn Burgers at Lotteria on a daily basis now i’m just trying to keep my temptations under control. It’s so hard not to pop by the Dunkin Donuts across the Brunei pavilion for an extra large Cappuccino. On the way UP to the Pavilion there’s Singapore with their Halal chicken curry and RICE and SHELL-LESS Chilli nearby, i have my theme park style, american churros..from the churros stand, i can see the turkish abangs selling authentic turkish ice-cream, Dondurama. The Turkey Pavilion itself houses an array of halal doner kebabs complete with Lahmacun and Meat-filled Pides. The icing on the cake has got to be the Belgium pavilion that sells my favorite belgian cookies Speculous BY THE PACK and a collection of chocolates by Godiva , Neuhaus and Callibaut…but u know what? ALL THIS GOOD QUALITY CHOCOLATE .. and i’m craving for TIM TAMS. which i managed to SOURCE by the way. YES, I CAN DO EVERYTHING. lol. I’ve made friends with people over in the Australian Pavilion and scored a piece yesterday.

Oh oh. and finally, finally, finally..there’s finally Sushi! the JApanese have opened a food court somewhere in the basement and after month of being sushi deprived.. i finally managed to sink my teeth in to an Inari.

mari lah menari.

jadinya, bepantun. lol.

i should really slow down kali. especially when it costs 18,000 won (about BD$18) for a set of raw fish and another 4,000 won ($4) for a cone of strawberry ice-cream. Singapore has never been more kiasu their …chicken curry is around the 15 bucks price point. I think the malaysians are selling a set of teh tarek and roti canai for $18. haha. exploitation at its zenith. if i keep this up, i don’t think ill be able to afford Lotteria prawn burgers in a few weeks time.

I have the morning off today. Will only start work at 2. its a little bit close to 11.

I should slip on my running shoes and go for a short run. it’s been a while :S

kiss me.